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Pastor Don was raised in an unchurched family in the Fountain Square area of Indianapolis. He began coming to church on the bus ministry of Grace Baptist Church as a 9-year-old and accepted Christ at age 10. He was out of church during his high school years, but rededicated his life to Christ at age 19 thanks to some concerned Christians who guided him back into his faith.
He is a graduate of Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri where he also met his wife of 45 years, Brenda. Pastor and Brenda have 4 adult children and 8 grandchildren, ranging in age from 2 to 19. Pastor Don came to Victory in 1998. Previously, he has led churches in Rensselaer, Indiana, and Dyersburg, Tennessee. He has also worked with other ministries in Indianapolis and St Louis, Missouri.
He firmly believes that preaching the gospel message is the greatest privilege in all the world and that he is blessed to shepherd God’s flock. “Our goal as a family of believers is to help people by pointing them to Jesus Christ as their redeemer, guide and closest friend. Our means of improving lives is to provide a solid, systematic understanding of the Bible as the ultimate resource for life decisions.” That is how Victory measures success.
Sunday Worship 10:40 AM
Wednesday Evening Bible Study 7:00 PM
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